In my excitement, I was actually checking for tickets online since about a month ago but since it's not as popular as the Harry Potter franchise, I had no luck.
I was able to finally book tickets last Wednesday and I insisted on watching it the first day, April 15.

My movie mates (8 of us) all met up at Golden Village in time for the midnight screening and it was one scary, thrilling and funny ride. The opening sequence of the film was brilliant and one-upped the very famous Drew Barrymore opening sequence and although watching the last part of the film feels as if you're watching another film altogether, I still enjoyed the movie all in all. (click here for Screenrant's review).
If you're not familiar with the Scream franchise, click here for the Primer. If you have no plans of watching the film but is curious as to who the new Ghostface is, click here.
I actually had apprehensions when I read that they brought in another writer to do some rewrites. I've been a fan of Kevin Williamson (@kevwilliamson) since Dawson's Creek and Teaching Mrs. Tingle and I would've preferred that his original vision and material for the film be untouched but I'm glad the movie still turned out great. Now, I'm all the more convinced to finally start watching The Vampire Diaries.