Since I've been doing nothing much the past three weeks but go to work, it only figures that I won't be writing much about anything else but the office.
Today is supposedly the last of a series of Time and Motion studies being conducted by our team. We were all ready to breathe the biggest sigh of relief when our supervisor announced just before our shift that we will be carrying on with the task for several more weeks to two more accounts which sadly included mine. It only means that the burden of preparing and consolidating all the gathered data falls on me...and Em-J who also owns half the account. Looking at the bright side, it would at least give me an opportunity to earn more.

Here we are taking a break from our time and motion study today. I have to say though that apart from the boredom it's really not so bad. I met some new friends and we were also treated out for lunch by our manager!
Another news that we got was that we have to finish every backlog that we have by Saturday and it's already end of shift Thursday! Protest! Anyway, due to the load the we currently have, we will be needing 7 more heads to join our team! Yahoo! The eccentricities of our team are also worthy to be mentioned. One of us went on an indefinite leave for lack of a better term...because the person comes and goes. In fact, we've only been graced by this particular person's presence twice during the entire week. Someone who's just been to Singapore for 7 days will be leaving this weekend for Pagudpod, hence, another team meeting incomplete. Someone is also so addicted to discounted Cadbury's and Pizza that Cost-U-Less has already become part of our weekly routine. Someone's also been rendering too much OT that you wonder if he ever gets enough sleep at home. Another friend of ours is perennially late and couldn't care less.
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