I was on leave for a couple of days last week and I haven't been able to catch up on work yet. Good thing it's a an American holiday today so OPS don't have to report for work. (that's a little pressure taken off my back)
I got back to work Wednesday already thinking of reports that I haven't been able to attend to and surprise of all surprises, one of my dormant team lead decides to return his QA report and that's another month and half worth of back-logged reports for me. Perfect timing! A week has long passed and I'm still up to my neck with work!
Anyway, on to some

good news. I got the Clue board game from Hobbes yesterday. It's my third set after losing the first two. (I desperately searched for it to no avail) I promise to take care of this one considering how expensive it now is. We were supposed to go see a movie yesterday but we just had to rush home to start playing. I'm a little rusty as I didn't win a single round. I was surprised that my little sister and first time player Em-J beat me.
By the way, my dad will be leaving for the States this friday and everybody bade goodbye at yesterday's despedida.
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