
Friday, May 07, 2010

Wild Rice's Animal Farm

Last night was my first time to watch a Wild Rice play. Wild Rice is Singaporean theatre company producing local shows and is one of the most awarded. They are celebrating their 10th year now and they're opening this season with a re-staging of Orwell's Animal Farm. This production first opened in 2002 to rave reviews and won several awards before touring.

I almost didn't go since I was a bit tired last night and I still have to pack for my trip today. But since I wouldn't have the chance to catch the play anymore cause they're closing this weekend, I forced myself to get up and go and was I glad I did. The turn out was pretty impressive. It was Thursday night and the theatre was packed. I just wish that local productions from Tanghalan Pilipino in Manila is supported the same way by Filipinos.

The set was sparse with only a few corrugated metals and a brick wall to serve as a back drop. The actors were also dressed simply down to the bare minimums. Their performance though is another matter. With only 6 actors and a one-man sound machine, they were able to transport the audience to Manor Farm. They were very effective and their transition from one animal to another is quick and really impressive. I particularly liked the scene where Mollie, played by Denise Tan turns into a vulture.

While the show, infused with local and modern flavors, was fun, I did feel a bit disconcerted and depressed. It's simple message of absolute power corrupts rings so true in my beloved country. I hate to admit it but I had such high hopes for GMA when she first came into power. Fast forward to 9 years later and the country is in a much sorry state. How timely is that the previous night, I was reading the Wallace report shared by some of the tweeties that I follow. There are a couple of scenes in the play where the pig and a news report tell the inhabitants of the farm of the improvements all over. The truth of the matter is that they are left in a similar state from the previous regime. Exactly what the Filipinos have been fed through the palace's press releases. Three more days and it's the elections. I just wish that most of my countrymen could have seen this production...not that we need any more wake up call.

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