
Sunday, April 09, 2006

TV Events

*Spoiler Alert*

Keanna wins the Big Brother contest, Jennifer is wishing fervently for Adrian to recognize her, while Majika is obviously becoming a Jewel in the Palace rip-off. (Nothing really new...remember Anastasia as Jolina in one of their soaps? Funny, really!)

Meanwhile, more tv news:

24: The spineless president for two seasons is revealed to be the mastermind behind the elaborate scheme that included Palmer's assassination...totally out of character in my opinion...let's keep in mind that he owed Palmer a lot after helping him out with last season's crisis...but who am I to argue with the geniuses behind it. I still love the show! Too bad cause I really like his character and Gregory Itzkin is a genius. His facial expressions are priceless.

Lost: Yet, another disappointing episode. With Lockdown being such a pivotal episode when they realized that "Dave" isn't who he claims to be, you'd expect the story to focus on it...sadly, it didn't. The story on Hurley's multiple personality disorder is also interesting but totally anti-climactic. The final scene with Libby (or is it Libby's twin?) at the same institution as Hurley does nothing to give light to the alphabet soup that it is now.

Prison Break: Previous episode showed what the characters' lives were like 3 years ago...and ala Lost, some characters have crossed paths before their stint at Fox River. Pretty fulfilling epiosde, it's like watching fate put all of the chess pieces in it's proper places in preparation for the ultimate escape. There were also a few surprises as we learn that Sara was previously a junkie and Bellick has the hots for her. We also finally get to see the Vice President's brother and how his dental records became that of the person who pretended to be him. Can't wait for the next episode!

Boston Legal: Parker Posey joins Boston Legal in a three-episode stint. The already funny trio of William Shatner, Candice Bergin, and James Spader is about to get funnier.

Baywatch: Baywatch just doesn't die. Did you know that a movie is in the works with Jessica Simpson reportedly playing CJ Parker?

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