Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I don't usually write about things that irritate me, I usually run to Jencarps who (whether she likes it or not) would listen to my tirades. More often than not, after talking to her, I would be more collected and calm and would not give the matter any more thought but in this case I am willing to make an exception.
I have found myself threatened by two people I barely even care about. (Threatened in the cheapest sense.) Please. I am shocked by the brazen way you two uncaringly spit out the words "Ipapatumba" and "Ipapapatay" when I did you no harm.
The first threat happened so long ago and I have chosen to maintain my silence all throughout the many more dramas and verbal spews that I have heard. The recent one when that person said "Kaya na nya kong harapin?"
Such gall! May I remind you that you accused me of lying when I told the truth. You tried to twist the story to make me look like a liar and my friend who I have been honest too suddenly had the tenacity to question my integrity. If I choose to keep things from you about my personal life, that is my right. Again, let me remind you that we're not friends. I don't have to tell you things. I will skip the fact that we found out that you have been accusing me of things which you yourself have been doing. Now tell me...baka ikaw ang dapat mahiya.
The second threat happened just recently while I was quietly minding my own business listening to Valjean belting. Please please please! You don't even know me! The saccharine sweetness that you're fed is only an eighth of a sugar coated rotting pie.
Mas marami kayong paguusapang dalawa. Leave me be.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Five Weird Things About Me
I am having difficulty coming up with my own "weird" list because I don't tend to do things differently from others and if it's a widely accepted practice done by almost everybody, it is defined as normal, right? Ummm...I don't really mean that, I just can't think of a paragraph to start this post.
1. I like things to be really organized that I need an organizer to organize my organizers. Really. For instance, I have several notebooks at work to keep track of what I'm doing. I have one for internal trainings, one for my to-do lists, one for process observation notes, one as a scratch whenever I feel like doodling, and on top of that I still have a journal.
I also come up with all sorts of trackers, quick links, and folders in the shared drive.
With the intent of keeping things organized, it usually becomes more disorganized.
2. I'm not a music fan so don't ask me about the latest releases. However, if I hear something that I like, I can listen to that song repeatedly for days on end.
3. Similar to Selle, I have my own weird way of eating one of my favorite chocolates. Twix! I start with eating all the chocolate and caramel and save the biscuit for last.
4. I love cakes...but when I dine out, I really have difficulty choosing which cake to try that I end up not buying one. In fact, I haven't bought a slice of cake in ages. Nevermind if I salivate daily over the displays at Goodies & Sweets and Coffee Beanery on my way to work.
5. Lastly, I love expired chocolates. All chocolates have the same distinct taste when it expires that I just can't say no to. In fact, the chocolate drink of a famous coffee shop became one of my favorites because it tastes just like that!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
McDonald's Shakes
Since it's hush hush launch last August, never has a week gone by that I am without a McDonald's shake. Not all McDonald's stores are selling this wonderful treat, my brother will go all the way to Glorietta, every Sunday, just to buy one. We have totally let go of dialing 8-MCDO at the office since they don't deliver shakes. Nevermind if it's almost three blocks away, we'll troop over to St. Francis in the wee hours of the morning.
I am not sure whether the shakes in three flavors (chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla) are going to be a staple in the McDonald's menu but I sure hope so.
If you haven't tried it yet, go get one. Now!
(By the way, it's not available at Megamall, Shangri-La, and Greenbelt. )
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Till I Met You
I finally had a chance to watch a movie after the longest time. My friends and I were debating whether to see "The Guardian", "The Departed" or the local flick "Till I Met You" and thanks largely to their great publicity team, we ended up choosing the Robin-Regine flick.
The movie showed a lot of promise...well, the first 10 minutes that is.
This a team-up between to media giants, GMA and VIVA films and press releases boast of the story to be conceptualized by it's very producer. Sadly, save for Regine Velasquez, the film has nothing much to boast of.
The story is so thin it would've been much appreciated if it was written as a tv script. Robin plays Gabriel who immediately suspects Luisa (Regine Velasquez) to be someone other than who she claims to be when he learns that she's marrying Señor Manuel (Eddie Garcia). He makes it his mission to expose her through several competitions and they eventually fall in love.
The transition of the movie from a-not-really-funny comedy to you're-supposed-to-cry-and-fall-in-love-in-these-scenes mush is so abrupt you wonder if they changed directors.
The comedic timing of Robin Padilla have seen better days and Pekto's shrill voice, his only characterization (if you can call it that) is nothing but irritating. The ending is expected. Luisa leaves the hacienda, Gabriel stays behind. Señor Manuel dies and Gabriel pursues Luisa who's now selling Magic Sing microphones at the mall.
Can you really say that effort is put into the production of the movie when in this very scene, you see a fan taking a picture of Regine Velasquez and then looks directly at the camera?
Before GMA Films starts boasting of being original in concept (ehem ehem, Moments of Love) and that 2007 will be their banner year, they should come up with something worth the viewer's time and money.
And by the way, I am attaching the poster of the movie in this entry. It's the only thing I liked.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Never Gone
For fun reads:
Twisted by Jessica Zafra
For new and interesting things that I can check out:
Dessert Comes First
Our Awesome Planet
Reviews by P
The Bachelor Girl
For TV and entertainment news:
All Orange Films
And of course, I also check out the blogs of my friends who till now have remained steadfast in blogging. Links are found in my page.
If you know of interesting sites that you wish to share, just holler.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Doughnut Fan

I am a doughnut fan!
I remember the opening of the first ever Dunkin Donuts store in Zamboanga. I was there visiting with my cousin and the place was packed. I was really disappointed when my uncle decided to just leave because waiting in queue for half an hour is simply out of the question. Not for me.
Fast forward to many years ahead, my friends and I would troop to The Fort after our shift and wait in line for more than half an hour just to get our share of Gonuts Donuts.
Because of the success of Gonuts, many people tend to compare it with Dunkin Donuts. (The long time market leader in the country). I prefer not to do that since the doughnuts are completely different and I love both! Nevermind if have Joey de Leon as their endorser. Apart from that, my only complaint is that their doughnuts are getting smaller by the minute.
On November 16, Krispy Kreme will open it's flagship store here in Manila also at The Fort where Gonuts opened it's first store...and I am excited!