
Tuesday, October 14, 2008


"what is nagrereminisce" - jencarps

Found this old entry and it brought back a lot of memories.  Good thing blogs were invented. 

Just as the questions why are the male urinals along edsa colored pink and why are more and more tv shows becoming mere copies of "wansapanataym" play in your minds, let me share some more... 

The MRT the preferred method of transportation along EDSA because it is by far the fastest alternative available, why then does it have the country's slowest elevators? 

Don't just just that! (wag mong basta-bastahin yan) is a phrase that has got to be one of the most overused punch lines in tagalog sitcoms. Delivered by sexy stars portraying mindless nuts trying hard to speak the english language is still being used long after it stopped being funny. If someone is to say that phrase, I don't think it would even elicit so much as a smile from the people who would hear it...unless of course that someone is serious. 

As they are paying us, we are to get up day after day early on, get ready, travel all the way to the office to attend an informal training where mono-nucleotic modules are dissected, if it still possibly can be. Is it really worth all the effort just so the money making machine that is the corporation that runs our office gets their money's worth that is our salary. Given this scenario, is it then true that money is worth so much more than time? 

If you sign in to the MSN Software, is it not true that you also get automatically signed in to Messenger?! Surely a manager would be aware of that. As Manel says, click on the butterfly and learn. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

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