
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boeing Boeing

Wild Rice's 2nd play for the 2010-2011 season is a French farce originally staged back in the 1960s. It was then adapted to the big screen and have since enjoyed several restagings. Based on the program, I found out that this is actually the third restaging by Wild Rice. It has enjoyed sold out performances back in 2002 and 2005. 

Boeing Boeing tells the story of a bachelor juggling three girlfriends, all flight attendants from different airlines with different routes. His handy timetable allows him to manage all three and ensures that there's only one girlfriend in Singapore at a given day. Things start to go wrong when the girlfriends are assigned to new and faster aircrafts that shorten their flight schedules. 

This production has been adapted to include local flavors which relate well with the audience. Adrian Pang is the playboy bachelor, Bernard. He is perfect for the role and his facial expressions alone help keep the laughs coming. I did feel that he should have had more stage time than Daniel York who plays his buddy Robert. Not that York is bad, on the contrary, he gave his all and his presence was seemingly everywhere. As Today puts it, he works himself up into a fevered frenzy and this physicality kept the energy level of the cast high.

The three ladies were oh so lovable. Chermaine Ang as Janette from SIA is a tigress, tai-tai wannabe. She has the strongest personality and makes it known that she is on the hunt for a billion-aire. Wendy Kweh as Jelly from Cathay appears to be the most serious of the bunch. Emma Yong as Junko of JAL is wide-eyed, innocent and downright cute.  Then there is Siti Khalijah Zainal as Roza, Bernard's ever-reliable but oh-so talkative housekeeper. She is the crowd favorite since she is in on the joke. Simply put, she says what can't be said. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. It was a fun but quite a short journey with a duration of barely two hours.

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