Just as I no longer remember how to generate the tv trends report that I used to do, many years from now, I will no longer remember what I'm currently doing. Thus, here is my desktop immortalized.
I'm actually listening to a particularly long call, feeling bored, this idea came along. Jencarps, wag mag-react. Nothing contrived about the picture. I was actually also surprised that there was not even one internet explorer or firefox browser open. And it only means one thing...I'm trying hard to catch up on work. Hehehe.
Notice my wallpaper, this usually changes every week as I get bored easily. I also changed almost every icon into funny icons that I got from iconfactory to hide the fact that tons of responsibility lie behind each one.
Oh and by the way, eversince Jencarps' violent reaction on Ever After, I've decided to stop listening to it and I'm loving Pon de Replay now...though a couple of months delayed.
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