Here are 10 reasons why.
1. Original filipino musicals are hard to come by and here's one after such a long time that's really really worth it. You are all familiar with songs from Miss Saigon, Les Miz, Phantom of the Opera and oh so much more! We boost of great Filipino talent, one that can equal the greatness of the musicals playing worldwide. Support it.
2. The musical is already on it's 4th run! Clamor for such show that it runs multiple times in a span of just a year more than speaks for itself.
3. Again, it's already on it's 4th run. If you missed the first three runs, there might be no more chance to catch it again with almost all of the original cast reprising their roles.
4. The musical had four nominations and two wins at the 19th Aliw Awards. A win for Best Musical and and a win for Best Stage Actress.
5. The musical is affordable! Only in the Philippines can you find great musicals and plays at such a price. If it doesn't encourage you to try to watch the shows mounted here, I don't know what will. Case in point, the cheapest tickets for NVC's Aspects of Love that ran in Singapore is priced at P2500. More than double the amount of the Reserved Orchestra seats when it was staged here. (That's by the same company ha)
6. It is playing at such an intimate theater. Eula and Agot upclose...and it's really really close.
7. If you're straight, ladies at their sexiest. What's not to like? If you're gay, it's camp. You're bound to like it, oh and there's Dodong's noodles too!
8. It's a socially relevant musical. You take home more than just the laughs.
9. No bad reviews. What more can you ask for?
10. Most of the people who've seen the musical went back to watch it again...and again...and again!
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