
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Abs Diet

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We went to Fully Booked at Rockwell last Sunday and I found my way down their "Health" aisle, an aisle I don't normally bother going to. Glaring in it's neon orange light is David Zinczenko's The Abs Diet. Now, though I claim to be already ballooning in weight, diet is not something that I am remotely interested in particularly because of my lack of discipline. Also, because of my schedule, I often find myself just eating one meal a day. I thought this should be enough to keep my weight in check.

I picked up the book and the very first claim that I saw was the fact that eating just a meal a day is not going to keep the pounds off. On the contrary, the effect is just the opposite. There are other interesting things in the book such as alternatives to junk food whenever you feel the crave. An example would be to pick up a bar of Snickers instead of Three Musketeers if you feel like having a chocolate. The Abs Diet is a simple plan built around 12-nutrient packed foods that should be included in each of the 6 meals that the diet requires one to eat.

Now, a little daunted by the price at almost a thousand bucks and the realization that I'll never follow the diet anyway, I returned the book and left.

Two days after, I already have my own copy and I have to say that I am enlightened. More than capitalizing on weight loss, the book also focuses on trying to eat healthier without restricting yourself to difficult to prepare meals. The author also hesitated in having the word "diet" attached to it because "it's been twisted around to mean something that you follow temporarily" as he aims to have this program used by everyone for life.

If you are on the look out for a great weight loss program, try to check the book out. There is also a program online that you can follow for $9.99 a month. I also checked the forums and the reviews for this program have mostly been positive. Albeit easy to follow, I will not give my word to the very very few people who read this blog that I'll adapt this diet due to the fact that the lure of Tim Tam's and McDonald's shakes are too irresistible for me but I'll try.

By the way, there are several "The Abs Diet" books out there so it might be confusing as to which one to get because they all look similar. The parent book "The Abs Diet - The 6-week plan to flatten your stomach and keep you lean for life" is the one pictured above. The other books are supplements to guide you in preparing your meals and in doing the exercises because the parent book only has a week-long sample of what you can eat.

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