Final Bow
Tanghalang Pilipino officially ends their season with the final performance of "The Pretenders" and being fans of the said play, we simply can't miss the show. We trooped over to CCP at around 2pm. Feeling flustered because of the heat, we decided to stay at Starbucks while waiting for the open house. That was a mistake because when we got back to the theater we were already last in line, thus we were faced with the option of seating far back or sit at the 2nd row directly in front of a group of students. We chose the latter. Despite the fact that the students were very distracting because of the loud discussions and side comments, I still managed to enjoy the show. True to what Tad said, he looked hilarious. The moment he stepped on-stage the crowd burst into loud peals of laughter, also he has a speaking part this time around.
Both leads are still at their best, they still managed to move me to tears with their performances. Their final bow leaves me deeply saddened but I look forward to the possibility that TP might restage the play back to back with Mass. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Now we wait till June for the Virgin Labfest and Zsazsa Zaturnnah and till August for the next season.
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