
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

24 Season 8 Ep 7

We finally start to see some action. Most of the characters were pushed to the brink and we see what they are capable of doing.

Dana guides Kevin and his friend to steal money from an NYPD warehouse. The small time crooks get greedy and in spite of the small window given to them to escape, they still find the time to search for a plastic gun to entertain themselves.

President Taylor shares some top secret information to someone from the UN only because she was told that they share a long history of protecting each other (or something to that effect), really a bit ridiculous as you can expect this to bite her in the ass in the coming episodes.

President Hassan gets all the more paranoid and orders to have his aide taken into custody and tortured when the latter advises him to go easy on torturing people.

After coming up with nothing, Renee forces Vladimir to call his contacts again. Vladimir gets irritated and hits her. She finally hits the roof and stabs him to death. She then accidentally stabs Jack as well which as expected doesn't hurt him at all.

Sergei, after being contacted by Vladimir, sends his men to find out how much Vladimir knows about his operation. His men find Vlad dead and takes Jack with them for questioning.

Brian Hastings, the new CTU head, isn't a joy to watch. He's neither here nor there. There seems to be something lacking in the way he delivers. 

Here's what to expect next:

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