
Monday, June 14, 2010

New Beginnings

So I haven't been blogging as much as I wanted to. On my birthday month nonetheless.

I have been quite busy. I wasn't over 24 so I had to go out and get the first season DVDs. I didn't bring my pirated copies here so I had no choice but to get a new set. And you all TV addicts know what happens when you pop in the first disc of a series, you just can't stop. So it's been like that for a good three days. I admit, I haven't even turned on my computer during those days.

So it still doesn't explain my more than 2-week absence. It was then that Eli, Clarice and I discovered a new hobby. We have been frequenting the newly opened Marina Bay Sands. It was crazy. We have been there almost every other day. I have never been a good gamer and I admit that I don't think lady luck is on my side when it comes to things like this. Heck, I've never even so much as an electric fan in a raffle. So, Clarice and I decided to stop before it gets any worse.

I have also been sad over the finales of 24, Ugly Betty and most recently Glee. Good thing, True Blood premiered yesterday. Yey! 

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