Sunday, December 31, 2006
Frenzied Saturday
At the behest of my aunt, my sister and cousin accompanied me to the mall, otherwise, I would've watched the movie alone or worse, be a third wheel and chaperone my brother and Chill.
During the earlier part of the week, I originally planned on going out with a friend. Come Wednesday, I was about to cancel since someone ordered tickets from me and his only available schedule is Saturday. Gladly, being that Em-J will be in Ortigas that day, he took the responsibility of delivering the tickets. As it turns out, both cancelled the last minute. Thus, I found myself alone on a Saturday night.
I really don't have a problem with that since I enjoy solace however being that I was so preoccupied with tons of things, I don't think that being alone that night would've helped thus I decided to make new plans and fast.
My point for this post is to encourage you guys to catch KKK cause it's one movie you won't waste your hard-earned money on.
(Could there be anything more disorganized than this post? I think not! Forgive me, I'm having trouble sleeping, thanks to the cup of coffee that I had before going home.)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
10 reasons why you need to watch Zsazsa Zaturnnah Ze Muzikal
Here are 10 reasons why.
1. Original filipino musicals are hard to come by and here's one after such a long time that's really really worth it. You are all familiar with songs from Miss Saigon, Les Miz, Phantom of the Opera and oh so much more! We boost of great Filipino talent, one that can equal the greatness of the musicals playing worldwide. Support it.
2. The musical is already on it's 4th run! Clamor for such show that it runs multiple times in a span of just a year more than speaks for itself.
3. Again, it's already on it's 4th run. If you missed the first three runs, there might be no more chance to catch it again with almost all of the original cast reprising their roles.
4. The musical had four nominations and two wins at the 19th Aliw Awards. A win for Best Musical and and a win for Best Stage Actress.
5. The musical is affordable! Only in the Philippines can you find great musicals and plays at such a price. If it doesn't encourage you to try to watch the shows mounted here, I don't know what will. Case in point, the cheapest tickets for NVC's Aspects of Love that ran in Singapore is priced at P2500. More than double the amount of the Reserved Orchestra seats when it was staged here. (That's by the same company ha)
6. It is playing at such an intimate theater. Eula and Agot upclose...and it's really really close.
7. If you're straight, ladies at their sexiest. What's not to like? If you're gay, it's camp. You're bound to like it, oh and there's Dodong's noodles too!
8. It's a socially relevant musical. You take home more than just the laughs.
9. No bad reviews. What more can you ask for?
10. Most of the people who've seen the musical went back to watch it again...and again...and again!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
TV Fanatics

What makes it different from YouTube, you ask? Go ahead and click on this link and find out, but if you prefer to read on, that's ok.
Peekvid is home to streaming tv shows so you don't have to wait for the local UHF channels to air the next season of your favorite tv show to find out what happens to Sawyer, Kate and Jack. What's even better is that you don't have to download the files so it doesn't take up a lot of space in your 10GB hard drive.
But wait, there's's also home to some of the famous asian tv dramas so you can watch My Girl all you want without having to go to Quiapo to get a copy of it. They even have the first few episodes of Maging Sino Ka Man so if you're dying to find out how Bea and John Lloyd came to be, now's your chance.
Selle! The third season of Desperate Housewives is already there! Happy watching!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006

I went to Rustan's last night and saw the Croc's display. On a whim, I decided to purchase one for myself thinking that I deserve a much better pair than the sorry excuse that I was wearing. I failed to consider the fact that I won't be able to wear it to work because it's rubber! So, I'm still stuck with my tired looking "converted slip-on".
Oliver and Clarice both mentioned that the pair that I got looks as if it costs not more than Php 200. It made me start to think if it was really worth it especially after they pointed out that tons of similar looking pairs are available at just a 16th of it's regular price?
Rob was the first one who introduced the special shoes to us a few months back since he badly needs it for his work being that he is usually on his toes. I admit that I was not impressed with the design because it looks like something that you can buy from Divi but I was convinced otherwise after trying it on. Cheap looking or not, I guess it's the comfort you can't really put a price on.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Christmas Wish List

I don't usually receive a lot of gifts during the Christmas season partly because most of my relatives and some of my friends believe that upon reaching a certain age, one should outgrow the practice of being in the receiving end of gift-giving. Nonetheless, I'd like to post my wish list.
1. Night by Elie Weisel
2. A Pen - I already received one thanks to the QM team
3. Hot and Cold Thermos
4. 2007 planner - I already gave my sister my Starbucks planner since it is way too bulky
5. Dream Jungle by Jessica Hagedorn
6. Sneakers
7. An Obagi set
8. Walker's Butter Shortbread Cookies
9. Caramel Cake from Estrel's
10. Monster Shirt series from Zara
11. Measuring Cups and Spoons
Can't think of anything else as of the moment. Any gift whether it's on the list or not will be highly appreciated.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
High School Musical
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
24 Season 6 prequel
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Abs Diet
We went to Fully Booked at Rockwell last Sunday and I found my way down their "Health" aisle, an aisle I don't normally bother going to. Glaring in it's neon orange light is David Zinczenko's The Abs Diet. Now, though I claim to be already ballooning in weight, diet is not something that I am remotely interested in particularly because of my lack of discipline. Also, because of my schedule, I often find myself just eating one meal a day. I thought this should be enough to keep my weight in check.
I picked up the book and the very first claim that I saw was the fact that eating just a meal a day is not going to keep the pounds off. On the contrary, the effect is just the opposite. There are other interesting things in the book such as alternatives to junk food whenever you feel the crave. An example would be to pick up a bar of Snickers instead of Three Musketeers if you feel like having a chocolate. The Abs Diet is a simple plan built around 12-nutrient packed foods that should be included in each of the 6 meals that the diet requires one to eat.
Now, a little daunted by the price at almost a thousand bucks and the realization that I'll never follow the diet anyway, I returned the book and left.
Two days after, I already have my own copy and I have to say that I am enlightened. More than capitalizing on weight loss, the book also focuses on trying to eat healthier without restricting yourself to difficult to prepare meals. The author also hesitated in having the word "diet" attached to it because "it's been twisted around to mean something that you follow temporarily" as he aims to have this program used by everyone for life.
If you are on the look out for a great weight loss program, try to check the book out. There is also a program online that you can follow for $9.99 a month. I also checked the forums and the reviews for this program have mostly been positive. Albeit easy to follow, I will not give my word to the very very few people who read this blog that I'll adapt this diet due to the fact that the lure of Tim Tam's and McDonald's shakes are too irresistible for me but I'll try.
By the way, there are several "The Abs Diet" books out there so it might be confusing as to which one to get because they all look similar. The parent book "The Abs Diet - The 6-week plan to flatten your stomach and keep you lean for life" is the one pictured above. The other books are supplements to guide you in preparing your meals and in doing the exercises because the parent book only has a week-long sample of what you can eat.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sassy Girl

I have been part of the "Sassy Girl" phenomenon. I remember Jaz persuading me to watch the DVD. Not a fan of Koreanovelas, I wouldn't give it the time of day but am I glad when I finally gave in because it was enjoyable. I ended up like Jaz persuading others to watch it simply because I wanted to share the "experience".
I guess the phenomenon is not limited here in the Philippines because Vertigo Entertainment, producers of "The Grudge" and "The Lake House" has acquired the rights to Sassy Girl. Playing the leads are Jesse Bradford and 24's Elisha Cuthbert. The screenplay will be penned by "Bend It Like Bendham" screenwriter Gurinder Chadha. (Incidentally, she will also be directing two tv successes, "Dallas" and "I Dream of Jeannie")
Apart from Sassy Girl, Vertigo Entertainment has several adaptations in line. One of which is the Philippines' very own "Sigaw".
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Harry Potter Fan
Monday, November 20, 2006
Fleur de Lys

Falling in love with their dessert waffles, we went back the following day. The waffles were great, both the dessert and savory ones. We had the bacon waffle and for the dessert variety, we had the mangoes, banana, and the one pictured above, strawberry. (If you're not fond of strawberry jams, skip it.) In fact, it's the only complaint that we have. The waffle was already heavily soaked in the syrup, making it really sweet, that my sister heaved a sigh of relief after finishing it. The rest of the waffles are really good. For the banana waffle, they used peanut butter as their syrup. How imaginative is that? The mangoes and cream had caramel syrup, defintely my favorite.
We also tried a couple of their cakes, pictured above is "Joaquin and Fleur de Lys" their own version of a chocolate mousse. I might be mistaken but I believe I read in their menu that this has a hint of Bailey's but I was not able to taste it. This is a little plain for me, it kind of tasted like KFC's chocolate mousse but it's still good. It doesn't leave you with the heady chocolate taste.
The place is affordable, coffees are priced from 95 - 125. The waffles from 100 - 150 and cakes from 90 - 125. This is a great alternative from the very commercial coffee shops around. If you're in the area, make sure you drop by. They are sharing the same building as Popular bookstore and Belo's. Hard to miss.
We'll definitely be back.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Boob Tube Addiction

Being a self-confessed TV addict, here's what's been keeping me happy these days:
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - The best new show of the season. The greatest news: It's been picked up to run it's full course. Yey!
Boston Legal Season 3 - Though Parker Posey stayed on for just an episode after the premiere, Craig Bierko made up for it. The series is still funny.
Desperate Housewives Season 3 - Way better than last season's almost non-existent storyline. "Bang", their 7th episode was hyped up but it lived up to the hype. I have to say that it's the best episode thus far. I won't say more to avoid spoiling it for those who haven't seen it yet.
Lost Season 3 - Though I believe that it already deviated from what the original mystery was, the latest installment is also better. Way way way better than last season's.
Heroes - NBC's breakout hit is interesting and exciting. Though another mystery is already too much for me, I still watch this show if I have the time.
Prison Break Season 2 - My interest for this show is already waning. The storyline is already stretched thin and the twist on Holly Valance was just way too disappointing.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I got out of the hospital last Friday but was still in a lot of pain the past few days that sitting in front of the computer for more than 15 minutes is impossible.
Apart from the pain, my stay at The Medical City was a pleasant experience. Everyone at the hospital, but one, was friendly. This helped in removing the atmosphere of being in one. The nurses took time out to ensure that I was as comfortable as possible. The headnurses from the ER and the floor also visited to see if there was anything else that I needed. It was a small gesture but one that is very much appreciated. Food was also good. We actually looked forward to every meal that is served at the hospital. A far cry from the usual hospital fare that looks and tastes bland.
It would have been the best experience had it not been for the technician who took my x-ray. I was in a lot of pain and can barely stand but he did nothing to assist me. He probably enjoyed the fact that I was wincing in pain trying to manage to walk to the x-ray table, how much more getting on top of it. Sweet revenge for rousing him from his sleep? Oh well, you can't have everything.
I am also thankful to Clarice and Ruby who stayed with me at the ER from 2am till 11am, nevermind if they have people waiting for them. To my sister and cousin who stayed with me day in and day out trying to get by with as little sleep as they can manage and also to Oliver who stayed during my last night to let my sister and cousin finally get some rest.
I was instructed by the doctor to stay in bed for two days straight. It was not as boring as I thought it would be but I got addicted to Pinoy Dream Academy being that it was on more than once daily.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I just hope that people in upper management, most especially those that don't have any experience running a call center, be as accepting and as willing to listen to inputs from others who are more familiar with it's intricacies and limitations.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I don't usually write about things that irritate me, I usually run to Jencarps who (whether she likes it or not) would listen to my tirades. More often than not, after talking to her, I would be more collected and calm and would not give the matter any more thought but in this case I am willing to make an exception.
I have found myself threatened by two people I barely even care about. (Threatened in the cheapest sense.) Please. I am shocked by the brazen way you two uncaringly spit out the words "Ipapatumba" and "Ipapapatay" when I did you no harm.
The first threat happened so long ago and I have chosen to maintain my silence all throughout the many more dramas and verbal spews that I have heard. The recent one when that person said "Kaya na nya kong harapin?"
Such gall! May I remind you that you accused me of lying when I told the truth. You tried to twist the story to make me look like a liar and my friend who I have been honest too suddenly had the tenacity to question my integrity. If I choose to keep things from you about my personal life, that is my right. Again, let me remind you that we're not friends. I don't have to tell you things. I will skip the fact that we found out that you have been accusing me of things which you yourself have been doing. Now tell me...baka ikaw ang dapat mahiya.
The second threat happened just recently while I was quietly minding my own business listening to Valjean belting. Please please please! You don't even know me! The saccharine sweetness that you're fed is only an eighth of a sugar coated rotting pie.
Mas marami kayong paguusapang dalawa. Leave me be.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Five Weird Things About Me
I am having difficulty coming up with my own "weird" list because I don't tend to do things differently from others and if it's a widely accepted practice done by almost everybody, it is defined as normal, right? Ummm...I don't really mean that, I just can't think of a paragraph to start this post.
1. I like things to be really organized that I need an organizer to organize my organizers. Really. For instance, I have several notebooks at work to keep track of what I'm doing. I have one for internal trainings, one for my to-do lists, one for process observation notes, one as a scratch whenever I feel like doodling, and on top of that I still have a journal.
I also come up with all sorts of trackers, quick links, and folders in the shared drive.
With the intent of keeping things organized, it usually becomes more disorganized.
2. I'm not a music fan so don't ask me about the latest releases. However, if I hear something that I like, I can listen to that song repeatedly for days on end.
3. Similar to Selle, I have my own weird way of eating one of my favorite chocolates. Twix! I start with eating all the chocolate and caramel and save the biscuit for last.
4. I love cakes...but when I dine out, I really have difficulty choosing which cake to try that I end up not buying one. In fact, I haven't bought a slice of cake in ages. Nevermind if I salivate daily over the displays at Goodies & Sweets and Coffee Beanery on my way to work.
5. Lastly, I love expired chocolates. All chocolates have the same distinct taste when it expires that I just can't say no to. In fact, the chocolate drink of a famous coffee shop became one of my favorites because it tastes just like that!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
McDonald's Shakes
Since it's hush hush launch last August, never has a week gone by that I am without a McDonald's shake. Not all McDonald's stores are selling this wonderful treat, my brother will go all the way to Glorietta, every Sunday, just to buy one. We have totally let go of dialing 8-MCDO at the office since they don't deliver shakes. Nevermind if it's almost three blocks away, we'll troop over to St. Francis in the wee hours of the morning.
I am not sure whether the shakes in three flavors (chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla) are going to be a staple in the McDonald's menu but I sure hope so.
If you haven't tried it yet, go get one. Now!
(By the way, it's not available at Megamall, Shangri-La, and Greenbelt. )
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Till I Met You
I finally had a chance to watch a movie after the longest time. My friends and I were debating whether to see "The Guardian", "The Departed" or the local flick "Till I Met You" and thanks largely to their great publicity team, we ended up choosing the Robin-Regine flick.
The movie showed a lot of promise...well, the first 10 minutes that is.
This a team-up between to media giants, GMA and VIVA films and press releases boast of the story to be conceptualized by it's very producer. Sadly, save for Regine Velasquez, the film has nothing much to boast of.
The story is so thin it would've been much appreciated if it was written as a tv script. Robin plays Gabriel who immediately suspects Luisa (Regine Velasquez) to be someone other than who she claims to be when he learns that she's marrying Señor Manuel (Eddie Garcia). He makes it his mission to expose her through several competitions and they eventually fall in love.
The transition of the movie from a-not-really-funny comedy to you're-supposed-to-cry-and-fall-in-love-in-these-scenes mush is so abrupt you wonder if they changed directors.
The comedic timing of Robin Padilla have seen better days and Pekto's shrill voice, his only characterization (if you can call it that) is nothing but irritating. The ending is expected. Luisa leaves the hacienda, Gabriel stays behind. Señor Manuel dies and Gabriel pursues Luisa who's now selling Magic Sing microphones at the mall.
Can you really say that effort is put into the production of the movie when in this very scene, you see a fan taking a picture of Regine Velasquez and then looks directly at the camera?
Before GMA Films starts boasting of being original in concept (ehem ehem, Moments of Love) and that 2007 will be their banner year, they should come up with something worth the viewer's time and money.
And by the way, I am attaching the poster of the movie in this entry. It's the only thing I liked.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Never Gone
For fun reads:
Twisted by Jessica Zafra
For new and interesting things that I can check out:
Dessert Comes First
Our Awesome Planet
Reviews by P
The Bachelor Girl
For TV and entertainment news:
All Orange Films
And of course, I also check out the blogs of my friends who till now have remained steadfast in blogging. Links are found in my page.
If you know of interesting sites that you wish to share, just holler.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Doughnut Fan

I am a doughnut fan!
I remember the opening of the first ever Dunkin Donuts store in Zamboanga. I was there visiting with my cousin and the place was packed. I was really disappointed when my uncle decided to just leave because waiting in queue for half an hour is simply out of the question. Not for me.
Fast forward to many years ahead, my friends and I would troop to The Fort after our shift and wait in line for more than half an hour just to get our share of Gonuts Donuts.
Because of the success of Gonuts, many people tend to compare it with Dunkin Donuts. (The long time market leader in the country). I prefer not to do that since the doughnuts are completely different and I love both! Nevermind if have Joey de Leon as their endorser. Apart from that, my only complaint is that their doughnuts are getting smaller by the minute.
On November 16, Krispy Kreme will open it's flagship store here in Manila also at The Fort where Gonuts opened it's first store...and I am excited!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Singapore is known as Asia's food capital where an endless variety of food is available. Being a self-proclaimed food junkie...with my ballooning weight as options have, thus far, been limited to famous international franchises and the food junction. But I am not dismayed by the fact that I have not been able to try all the options available. I am enamored by the fact that I have rediscovered snacks that I have enjoyed when I was young still available here.

Tim Tam - both original and double coated - True, Tim Tam is still available in Manila but similar to Oreo's and Chip's Ahoy where the taste largely differs based on where it is manufactured, the same holds true for this chocolate covered and sandwiched biscuits. (I look for the matte packaging manufactured in Australia.) I actually have to stop myself on gorging an entire package in one sitting.
*Original TimTams are once again available at SM and Rustan's

Famous Amos - Passing by a Famous Amos store is certain to elicit the hunger pangs in you. The freshly baked cookies can hardly compare to the pre-packaged ones sold at the grocery. I am not complaining though, it is still better than nothing.

Kellog's Corn Pops - Now simply called Pop's, it is available only at a high end food mart at a slightly higher price but all worth it. This remains my favorite cereal of all time.
McDonald's Milk Shakes - Milkshakes are fairly easy to make, however, the ones at McDonald's have a distinct taste that I simply love. When I was a kid, a McDonald's meal is incomplete without it. In fact, I can even do away with the meal itself. Sadly, one by one, the stores removed them from their menu. I simply had to accept the fact that I won't be able to have another shot at this drink when the branch at La Salle (the only one who still sold the drink) also removed it from their menu...but it's back! And I love it. I just wish that all the McDonald's in the Philippines follow suit.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
24 - This is the first time that the season ended where viewers are left pondering as to what will happen to series hero Jack Bauer. The finale of the 5th season ends with him being hied off by the Chinese government to Shanghai. He has eluded capture by pretending to be dead the 4th season. Does this mean that another major casting revamp is about to take place?
Desperate Housewives - Betty Applewhite bids goodbye to Wisteria Lane. Sadly her ominous presence was hardly even felt. Matthew's threat to Bree was too much of a stretch as is Zach's decision to end the life of Noah. Edie, still recuperating from bee stings was sorely missed on the show's finale. Bree, sadly, is now being pursued by yet another psychopath. By the way, can Mike Delfino make up his mind???
Prison Break - With the show's high octane episodes, the finale was a let down. Many have come to criticize the almost impossible scenarios with impossible solutions, I have turned a blind eye because it is what makes it unique and definitely entertaining. However, I do have to say that the finale hit the roof!
Lost - In true LOST fashion, it's finale is much publicized as the finale unlike anybody's ever seen in the history of TV...and as expected, it was a letdown.
Michael's storyline is nothing more but your typical kidnapping but unlike 24 where the resolution is reached at the end of an episode, it takes at least a season for LOST and it is reserved for it's finale. A polar bear, black smoke, green eagle, hanso org, hatch, electromagnetic field, the others, people dying of virus, Rosseau...all this confusion still adds up to....nothing.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Random Images from My Life
Friday, May 12, 2006
Back Home
Things were normal at home. It's as if I never left minus the fact that my bedroom is a tad different. The biggest shocker was from work, I got back with a lot of backlogs which I never expected. The first week was hard, I was struggling and simply can't find the energy to start sorting things out. I do have an organizer but it simply didn't help. Today marks the last day of my second week back at work and I am glad that there's been some progress. I already have check marks on my to-do list which fools me into thinking that I've already accomplished a lot.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Bad Day
I gave up on reality shows a long time ago. No matter what twist they think of, it is essentially the same, thus my waning interest. Assuming that I am, I thought that my disinterest is also the beginning of the decline of reality shows...but they persisted. From being stranded in an island to being cooped up in a house with complete strangers to travelling around the world, from makeovers to renovations, from becoming a model to becoming a lawyer to becoming an apprentice, from becoming the next action star to becoming the next singing sensation, from dating a gorgeous bachelor/bachelorette to dating a nerd and finally to dating a it, it's there. We even have local versions, there's the search for comedians, search for love teams, search for the next big pop superstar millionaire idol to the really pathetic search for employees. (Imagine the horror of besting out several contestants, undergoing unrealistic challenges to become a service crew or a personal assistant! Are they gonna be paying the fellows who get the job millions? All under the pretense of helping out those in need...who are you kidding?)
Such a long introduction...when all I wanted to say is that being that there is only one channel that we get to watch here, I am now watching these reality shows. Survivor, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, and Extreme Makeover.
Anyway, its 8pm and American Idol is on.
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way offline
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad dayT
he camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Rubber Slippers
And slippers it is, I saw this great looking slipper covered with thin wood slats at a stall during the Chinese New Year celebration. I didn't think it would last long but it was so unique that I bought it. I was wrong, it was I who didn't last. It was painful using it being that it didn't mold to the contours of the feet. And in a country where long walks are highly encouraged, I simply had to give up! So off I went to look for a sturdy and comfortable rubber slippers for my long hot walks. Being a cheapo that I am, Havaianas simply won't make the cut...even OP won't make it. It took me three days to finally see one that I like and one that my budget would allow. It's a bargain at $13, though I know that I can get it at a fifth of that price at SM.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
TV Events
Keanna wins the Big Brother contest, Jennifer is wishing fervently for Adrian to recognize her, while Majika is obviously becoming a Jewel in the Palace rip-off. (Nothing really new...remember Anastasia as Jolina in one of their soaps? Funny, really!)
Meanwhile, more tv news:

Lost: Yet, another disappointing episode. With Lockdown being such a pivotal episode when they realized that "Dave" isn't who he claims to be, you'd expect the story to focus on it...sadly, it didn't. The story on Hurley's multiple personality disorder is also interesting but totally anti-climactic. The final scene with Libby (or is it Libby's twin?) at the same institution as Hurley does nothing to give light to the alphabet soup that it is now.
Prison Break: Previous episode showed what the characters' lives were like 3 years ago...and ala Lost, some characters have crossed paths before their stint at Fox River. Pretty fulfilling epiosde, it's like watching fate put all of the chess pieces in it's proper places in preparation for the ultimate escape. There were also a few surprises as we learn that Sara was previously a junkie and Bellick has the hots for her. We also finally get to see the Vice President's brother and how his dental records became that of the person who pretended to be him. Can't wait for the next episode!
Boston Legal: Parker Posey joins Boston Legal in a three-episode stint. The already funny trio of William Shatner, Candice Bergin, and James Spader is about to get funnier.
Baywatch: Baywatch just doesn't die. Did you know that a movie is in the works with Jessica Simpson reportedly playing CJ Parker?
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The past days didn't feel different. As what my friend said, it's still like being in the Philippines, the difference being that there are a lot of people talking in many different languages.
There was also no feeling of urgency. I remembered having to rush from one place to the next the few times I was here due to the limited time that we have. But now, I haven't really been to any tourist destination nor do I feel compelled to go.
1. I bought a sim card and my kababayan, the filipina, sold it $5 more expensive. How typical...I found out about it right after she registered the sim for me.
2. The saturday newspaper with all it's want ads is ridiculously thick and heavy! You can't even have it four-fold. Imagine carrying it around the rest of the day.
3. One major broadcasting company! Cable is a must if you are a tv freak. Imagine having to watch a show's ad 40 times a day till it airs a week after. Great previews though.
4. People are addicted to Sudoku. I don't think I'll even bother.

5. A man shouting at a wake is already front page news.
6. It's also a book lover's heaven. A bookstore so huge, it literally prints out a map of the bookstore for you to locate the book you're interested in.
7. Chocolates, chocolates, and more chocolates.
8. Ice cream, ice cream, and more ice cream.
Now, only if it's not as expensive.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I'm not becoming cynical, in fact, I do enjoy what I'm doing. Such freedom in a workplace is a rarity that giving it all up took every ounce of my willpower...but I guess it's finally time for a change.
Let's see if I can get a Coehlo balance.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
"Spring Cleaning"
Here are some of the more interesting things that I found:
1. My first college notebook with the subject Peace Education not having more than 5 pages worth of notes written on it. Chemistry, on the other hand, is full of notes when it was not even included in my flow chart.
2. High school retreat mini-letters. Who would've thought that notes with "good luck on your college life" can make you cry?
3. First memo from my first job at ABS. "Out of 14 meetings since January, you only attended 4 - Ang professional di ba? I'm not exactly proud of it but if you were in my position, you'd know that 4 meetings is more than enough. Imagine waiting for more than 6 hours before it starts and everytime the agenda remains the same: office clique.
4. Several maiden issues of magazines that never saw the light of a 2nd issue.
5. Touted as Manila's answer to Raygun - my collection of AGENDA - philippine magazine's finest least in my opinion.
6. Double digest Archie comics.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Change happens and along with it our perceptions of reality are also altered.
Cost-U-Less is no longer open 24 hours...though the pizza remains to be as delicious as before. There was not a lot of red tag items and we even saw an 8-oz. cup noodle selling for as much as P80. So much for our low-priced induced glee.
The Macau buffet is now part of a distant past...the previously unnoticed outback carinderia is now serving us with our usual tapsi lunch fare. Nevermind that a flying ipis always greets us everytime we're there.
The usual friday night-outs have been replaced with friday afternoon siesta. No longer do we see the Saturday dawn at the office. By that time, I would've been already fast asleep.
I was going over my previous entries when I saw my entry regarding cost-u-less...who would've thought that we discovered it more than six months ago...when it seems to me that we first walked into it's doors not more than two months ago. On the other hand, I also saw my entry regarding a recent trip to Fazoli's. Now, while it happened at just about the same time as the cost-u-less seems longer than that. Oliver, Em-J, and I laugh about it as if it happened years ago.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Fifth Hour

*Spoiler alert
This has got to be the most explosive season premiere ever. I was literally shocked. Though I am still a LOST fan, I have to say that in terms of plot development, 24 is by far the best. LOST has so much hype but they're already halfway through the second season yet so many questions are still left unanswered. And all that hype during the November sweeps was not at all worth it.
I was elated when I saw several major characters during the pilot but my elation was short-lived when they died. I was stunned. I don't think anybody saw it coming. From Sherry to Palmer and finally Dessler...almost all of my favorite characters are now gone. Let's just pray that Chloe survives this day.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
The 4th season is the best season of the series, the plot is not as contrived as the 3rd and in terms of story, they went back to what made the 1st season a hit. And with almost every major character from the past seasons turning up mid-season, I was not gonna be surprised if it was Nina Myers who was working with Marwan.